Photo of the Day


Running has been going well. I have 2-3 good training runs per week and I even finished the month off with my first race in half a year, the U City Memorial Day 5k.
Month | Distance | # Workouts | Avg per Workout |
January | 13.54 Mile | 3 | 4.51333 Mile |
February | 33.47 Mile | 7 | 4.78143 Mile |
March | 71.64 Mile | 10 | 7.164 Mile |
April | 31.12 Mile | 6 | 5.18667 Mile |
May | 71.9569 Mile | 10 | 7.19569 Mile |
Total | 221.727 Mile | 36 | 6.15908 Mile |

Guess who's back on the bike.
Bike | Distance | # Rides | Avg per Ride |
Bianchi | 50.6 Mile | 11 | 4.6 Mile |
Big Red | 29.75 Mile | 3 | 9.91667 Mile |
Pocket Rocket | 58.04 Mile | 6 | 9.67333 Mile |
Thundercougarfalconbird | 134.55 Mile | 5 | 26.91 Mile |
Total | 272.94 Mile | 25 | 10.9176 Mile |
Month | Distance | # Workouts | Avg per Workout |
January | 35.32 Mile | 4 | 8.83 Mile |
February | 0 | 0 | 0 |
March | 3 Mile | 1 | 3. Mile |
April | 36.25 Mile | 7 | 5.17857 Mile |
May | 272.94 Mile | 25 | 10.9176 Mile |
Total | 347.51 Mile | 37 | 9.39216 Mile |


More cycling equals less walking, but I'm still getting out and stretching my legs on most days.
Month | Distance | # Workouts | Avg per Workout |
January | 56.9 Mile | 16 | 3.55625 Mile |
February | 47.6 Mile | 14 | 3.4 Mile |
March | 83.4 Mile | 24 | 3.475 Mile |
April | 84.3 Mile | 26 | 3.24231 Mile |
May | 60.4 Mile | 18 | 3.35556 Mile |
Total | 332.6 Mile | 98 | 3.39388 Mile |